Location tables.
The location tables of Czechia are a certified database used mainly to provide traffic information in accordance with the requirements and format of the RDS-TMC (Radio Data System - Traffic Message Channel). The tables are owned by the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic. CEDA provides data distribution and technical support, both free of charge if license conditions are met. NDIC implementation is handled by the Road and Motorway Directorate and its technology partners.
Support / Location tables
The location tables are used to determine locations within the road network. To define traffic information about a closure in the main road network, you select two or more defined locations in the location tables (usually intersections) where an event is taking place. A traffic event location defined this way is independent of map base. Mapping data vendor needs to link the tables with their intersection and road section data.
This makes it very easy to transfer the information (using only a few location numbers) independently of the map data provider. As a downside, the locations included in the tables are limited, so they cover only traffic-relevant roads.
- Register at https://mobilitydata.rsd.cz.
- Fill out the Request for Permission to Use the Location Database, Consent to Terms and Conditions of Use and the CR Location Database order form.
- Submit everything by e-mail to mobilitydata@rsd.cz by mail to:
Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR
Odbor silniční databanky a NDIC
Slovenská 1142/7
70200 OSTRAVA – Přívoz
The Location Tables are released every 2 years. When a data update is released, you will receive a notification including the instructions for how to obtain it.
Technical support is provided by the data vendor, which is CEDA. So all you need to do is email us at podpora@ceda.cz. NDIC implementation is handled by the Road and Motorway Directorate and its technology partners.
Because the data is provided free of charge, you need to request it as a whole.
No. The data cannot be used for visualization. These are locations matching geographic entities and their linking with the network. They can only be visualized above the underlying CEDA StreetNet or Global Network data using a custom-developed TMC link between the Location Tables and road sections.
FCD, operated by the Road and Motorway Directorate, provides current traffic delay data using the sections defined by the Location Tables. These sections are often longer – they are not divided by local road crossings – and include only traffic-relevant roads.
![[Translate to Angličtina:] [Translate to Angličtina:]](/fileadmin/user_upload/obrazky/ceda-image-34.jpg)
Nenašli jste odpověď?
Neváhejte nás kontaktovat na telefon +420 226 201 100, na email podpora@ceda.cz nebo použijte tento formulář.