Maps and APIs for your projects.
Maps and APIs by CEDA, Google, HERE or TomTom. We will help you find a map solution for every project and maximise its potential.

Maps for public administration
We provide detailed data for regional governments as well as municipal police, firefighters and rescue teams to support their navigation routing.
- Maps for transport companies and integrated regional transport systems
- Urban planning data for designers
- Regional and municipal maps for visitor geoportals and mobile apps
- Regional environment data

Accurate traffic data
We help to save lives and ensure smooth transport across Czechia and surrounding areas.
- Accurate data for the transmission of traffic information (NDIC) across the territory of Czechia and neighboring countries
- Freight traffic control (rest areas)
- Fast routing for 112 service vehicles
- Toll calculation data

Maps for planning and analysis
We provide map data for network development and freight operations.
- Fleet tracking
- On-foot and bike delivery of goods

Map APIs for Apps
For your custom apps, you can use our services to help with POI or route searches and planning.
- Maps of any scope
- Various licensing models based on usage
- Worry-less map updates
- for fleet management

Smart searches by address and point-of-interest
Our solution will make it easier for you to find locations and points of interest including suggestions.
- POI searches for institutions, restaurants, museums or shops
- Results precisely linked to pedestrian and car road network
- Shortest distance searches

Solution for logbooks and other reports
We will make sure your travel reports and logbooks clearly show the what, when, where and how.
- Data and sources for the translation of coordinates obtained from apps, trackers and other sources
- Solution suitable even for large fleets with millions of records per day
- Matching names with places where your vehicles, machines, personnel or even your pets have wandered
- Compliance with logbook legal requirements

POI and address database
We provide regularly updated database of post offices, ATMs and dozens other points of interest for you to easily plug into your app.
- Hundreds of thousands POIs across dozens categories
- Location, contact and address for each destination
- Addresses and POIs linked to road network
- Address database compatible with the national address register